Samantha Leete's Shoulder Workout
Samantha Leete's Shoulder Workout
sculpted shoulders are the key to a well-rounded physique. Build better
delts with this volume-packed workout from fitness model Samantha Leete!
When you're training to carve killer shoulders, it's important to
attack them from all angles. Today's workout is a combination of moves
that hit all heads of your deltoids—the front, middle, and back. By
using trisets and sticking to a 1:3 tempo, you're sure to feel the burn
and build some desirable size!
I structured today's workout in the hypertrophy rep range to make
sure you're getting in enough reps and using enough weight to really
make those shoulders grow. In addition to lifting, I'll also guide you
through some bodyweight movements so that you're keeping your heart rate
elevated throughout the entire workout.
Samantha Leete's Shoulder-Sculpting Workout
Watch the video - 6:55
Today's workout has nine exercises, and they're all grouped as
trisets. Each triset is composed of three exercises that you'll perform
back-to-back. That means you'll ideally complete all three exercises
with no rest in between. Of course, if you have to take a swig of water
or catch your breath between movements, that's OK.
After you push through all three exercises, you'll rest for 30-45
seconds before repeating that triset three more times (you can modify to
two additional rounds if needed). For this workout, you're going to be
using a 1:3 tempo. You'll spend one second on the concentric—or
positive—portion of the lift, and slow things down to a three-second
count for the eccentric—or negative—portion. This method recruits
different types of muscle fibers to ensure you're getting the best
possible workout.
If you feel your shoulders are lagging, incorporate this workout
into your routine twice a week. Otherwise, add it in once a week in
place of your current workout for noticeable gains!
Samantha Leete's Shoulder-Sculpting Workout
Triset 1
Reverse Machine Fly
3-4 sets of 8-12 repsUpright Row
3-4 sets of 12-15 repsHandstand Push-Up
3-4 sets of 10 repsTriset 2
3-4 sets of 8-12 repsLateral Raise
3-4 sets of 12-15 repsWalking Plank
3-4 sets of 20 repsTriset 3
Dumbbell Shoulder Press
3-4 sets of 8-12 repsFront Dumbbell Raise
3-4 sets of 12-15 repsShoulder tap
3-4 sets of 20-30 reps
Note: Rest 30-35 seconds between trisets.