Alicia Ziegler's AAA Workout: Awesome Abs And Arms!
Alicia Ziegler's AAA Workout: Awesome Abs And Arms!
actress Alicia Ziegler's training tips and implement her workout
routines, and you'll have a set of awesome arms and abs of your own!
Because she's an actress and a Dymatize athlete, Alicia Ziegler—or
"Ziggy," as she likes to be called—knows a thing or two about how to
look great. You can't wear a tank top on screen or represent a brand
without always being in tip-top shape. Her upper body and abs are
especially on point!
To help you reach your fitness goal, Ziggy brought her AAA (Awesome
Abs and Arms) tips and workout to! If you are up for
the challenge, try one of her workouts listed below after following her
result-boosting tips.
Stay consistent, and you'll be able to rock a tank top or sleeveless dress regardless of the season!
AAA Tip 1 Don't try outtraining a poor diet
Many people think that if they exercise a lot, their abs will just
pop out. But visible abdominals are the product of having a low body-fat
percentage, not from doing thousands of crunches.
Exercise certainly helps create a lean body, but your diet should be
priority number one. "If you eat foods that bloat you; cause digestive
disruption; or are full of sugar, additives, and artificial ingredients,
you'll probably see more fat accumulate around your midsection,"
explains Ziggy. "Want visible abs? Cut the garbage and eat clean."
Building a nutrition plan full of healthy, whole foods will take you
a lot further toward your goal of having a six-pack than anything else.
AAA Tip 2 Increase the difficulty
Higher-intensity, more-difficult exercises usually pack the best
fat-burning and muscle-building punch. For example, Ziggy suggests doing
hanging leg raises with legs straight instead of knees bent. "This will
increase the challenge of the movement because the range of motion is
longer and the weight is actually heavier," she says.
A great way to increase the difficulty of all of your lifts is to
make sure you're always doing them through a full range of motion. By
allowing your muscles to stretch fully and then contract hard, you're
providing your muscles all the stress they need to grow efficiently. If
you always take the easy route and shorten the repetitions, you'll be
disappointed in your results.
AAA Tip 3 Quality over quantity
No need to devote hours to training your abs. "Truth be told, I
don't train my abs often at all," says Ziggy. "I really only perform 2-4
ab-specific exercises per week. I don't have to train them as an
individual muscle group because I keep them activated throughout my
training sessions all week long, no matter what body part I'm working."
"Truth be told, I don't train my abs often at all," says Ziggy. "I
really only perform 2-4 ab-specific exercises per week. I don't have to
train them as an individual muscle group because I keep them activated
throughout my training sessions all week long, no matter what body part
I'm working."
Like any other muscle in the body, abdominal muscles need stress to
grow. However, your abs are different than any other muscle group
because they're active in almost every other exercise you do. From
squats to shoulder presses, your abs are turned on. Otherwise, you'd
crumple under the weight.
Instead of spending 20 minutes training abs after she lifts, Ziggy
often chooses cardio-based moves that work the core. She names bench
jumps, sprints, mountain climbers, and burpees as favorites.
AAA Tip 4 Hit up the heavy weights
Ziggy is no stranger to the heavy weights. "Don't be afraid to lift
heavier than you think you can!" she says. "Challenge yourself. I
constantly hear gym-goers caution against going heavy because they don't
want to look bulky, but pushing yourself is what produces maximal
"Lifting heavy" will be different to each individual. The point,
though, is to challenge yourself. Muscle growth and shape comes from
intense effort, not from doing as little as possible. "Remember," says
Ziggy, "you can sculpt your physique by playing with sets, reps, and
speed of lifting, as well as techniques like supersets and pyramids."
AAA Tip 5 Use machines and free weights
While you may have heard that using free weights is key to a
standout physique, Ziggy doesn't eliminate machines from her plan. "If
you're partial to free weights, challenge yourself with machines, and
vice versa," she says. "Don't just stick to what you know. Outside of
your comfort zone is where you will usually see the most change."
Using free weights and machines will each hit your muscles in
different ways. Machines can often help you isolate a particular muscle
group, while free weights are usually better for full-body lifts.
AAA Tip 6 Have fun!
When Ziggy trains, there's no such thing as a boring exercise.
"Play!" she exclaims. "I include interesting movements like Spiderman
push-ups, burpee pull-ups, and walk-outs to keep my arms fatigued and my
brain engaged. I also like to pair exercises like the Arnold press and
push-ups. Not only does doing one exercise immediately after another
work my whole upper body, but it raises my heart rate as well."
Making your workouts fun is often one of the best ways to stay
motivated. If you enjoy going to the gym and enjoy what you do when
you're there, you'll be more likely to continue working out for years!
AAA Tip 7 Try something new
Going through the same workouts week after week can be effective,
but throwing in a new challenge can breathe new life into your training
and create awesome new changes in your physique.
Ziggy took a chance and tried boxing. It's now become a big part of
her exercise routine. "There's nothing better for my upper body than
punching a bag for an hour!" she says.
Going through the same workouts week after week can be effective, but
throwing in a new challenge can breathe new life into your training and
create awesome new changes in your physique.
If you've been secretly dying to try Zumba, powerlifting, or
CrossFit, then do it! You never know what kind of impact it'll have on
your physique and your attitude.
AAA Tip 8 Make no excuses!
There's really no excuse for not exercising. "Pull-ups and push-ups
can be done anywhere, and there are a million exercise variations you
can do without any equipment," says Ziggy.
If you want to get in shape, you can. No need for a gym or fancy
equipment. All you need is your own two feet and a positive outlook.
Alicia Ziegler's AAA Workouts
Now that you know the importance of working hard and staying
consistent, here are Ziggy's ab and arm protocols! Implement the ab
routine 1-3 times per week and the arms workout 1-2 times per week.
Arm Workout
Seated Row
2-3 warm-up sets of 15-20 reps
3 sets of 20 reps
Dumbbell Lateral Raise
4 sets of 15 reps
Straight-Arm Pull-down
4 sets of 15 reps
Reverse fly on pec deck
4 sets of 15 repsSuperset
Dumbbell Curl
4 sets of 15 repsSkullcrusher
4 sets of 15 reps
Dumbbell overhead triceps press
4 sets of 15 reps
Rope Triceps Push-down
4 sets of 15 reps
Abdominal Circuit
Sprints, mountain climbers, or high-knees
3-4 sets of 30-60 sec.Weighted plank
3-4 sets of 30-60 sec.Hanging Leg Raise
3-4 sets of 15-25 repsSit-up on decline bench
3-4 sets of 15-25 repsSide leg raise (on flat bench)
3-4 sets of 15-25 reps
Note: Rest 1 min. between sets.